ViikateFretti's avatar


And cows fly
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Tagged again~

4 min read
Hi everyone~!

It's been quite a long time when I last time wrote to here~ Maybe because of my bad English~x3 And I have been in such a hurry or I haven't had anything to say. ...Okey, I'm just a lazy ass >3<

1. You must posts these rules.
2. Each person has to share 10 things about them
3. Answer the 10 questions asked to you and invent 10 questions the people you tag will have to answer 
4. Choose 10 people and put their icons on your journal
5. Go to their page and / or note to inform them they are tagged (we have mentions now)
6. Not something like " you are tagged if you read that"
7. You have to legitimately tag 10 people
8. No tag-backs
9. You can't say that you don't do tags. 
10. You must make a journal entry

Shared things
1. I'm studying to became a dress maker, so let's hope that I will be better at sewing and making patterns and in everything.
2. I get mannequin from my mom and dad as Christmas present and I have to say that I love it!
3. I really like to write even tough I'm bad at it.
4. I can dance songs at Hard in ITG, which is pretty good of me ^^
5. I have become more social and it's easier for me to talk people~
6. For me it's really hard to call anyone with a word "friend" or even with a "buddy".
7. This year we are trying to go to Närcon with my sister and buddy, I hope that it will work out.
8. Sometimes I wonder, am I little bit masochist. I want to go to stage, but at backstage I'm really nervous, sometimes it even hurts. I also sew lot of things with my hands even tough there are not much time and I start to panic~x3
9. In every cosplay, about week before deadline, I have really bad anguish when I just yell and scream to everyone while I'm crying how ugly and horrible my cosplay is... But after it I feel much better~
10. I have thought that it would be cool to be chosen to Hall cosplay and last last Yukicon I was chosen to Hall cosplay~! I'm still abashed of it.

:iconzanitas:'s questions;

1. Which country you would like to visit?
    There are too many countries to list, I would like to go so many places~
2. What you hate most?
    Hmm... Is it weird if I say hating? I'm trying to think positive and not to hate anything, I more dislike things than hate.
3. Your biggest dream?
    Too big question~x3 I really don't know, I have so many dreams that I cannot choose just one and all of them are smaller.
4. Cat or dog?
5. What anime made you cry last? 
    Well, Anohana almost made me cry and if I remember right I cried at Madoka movies~
6. What would you do if you had a chance to be a guy/girl for one day?
    Not anything special? Troll people?
7. Favorite anime now and why?
    Maybe Madoka, because twisted magical girls~ There are many animes that I like much~
8. Favorite food?
    Rice and eggs mixed together~
9. Did senpai notice you?
    I'm not sure, I think no...
10. It's end how you feel now? 
    Why so hard questions? Or am I just hopeless?O.o

And because I can I won't tag anyone, I just don't know what to ask or anything...
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4 min read
So, I have gotten tagged by :iconritsuthefox:~x3

The rules:
★. You must post these rules.
★. Each person must post 10 things about themselves on their journal.
★. Answer the questions the tagger set for you, and create 10 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
★. You have to choose 10 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
★. Go to their pages and tell them you have tagged her/him.
★. No nonsense in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you're reading this."
★. You have to tag 10 people.

- I'm allergic to strawberry, but I don't eat any berries~
- I would like to be shorter~
- I get big sister and little sister~
- Our internet hadn't worked about four days until yesterday~-.-'
- I hate ice hokey, because one of my friends used to talk of it every day... But she don't speak anymore~<3
- I don't like to wear jeans or anything like that~
- I like to wear skirts~x3
- I don't speak/write really good English... Sorry for that...^^'
- I really like coocies~<3
- And I like to eat sweet~>w<

:iconritsuthefox:'s questions~
1. If you had to listen to the same song for you whole life, and no other song at all, which song would you choose?
- That's bad... Em... Maybe something long song~x3 Call my name from Yousei Teikoku maybe~?
2. Weapon of choice?
- Scythe~!OwO
3. Who is you biggest idol and why?
- ...I don't really get the biggest idol...
4. What is the most horrible/sad thing that have ever happened to you?
- ...That's when one really important person of mine died... I won't tell who, sorry...
5. If you cosplay, which costume is you dream-costume? A costume you'd really wanna wear?
- Oh, there are many of them~! And I'm going to make them when my skills will be better~x3 Mirka Fortuna from Trinity Blood, Sandplay Miku from Vocaloid and Doll from Kuroshitsuji~
6. Did you do any weird things when you were a child/baby? What, in that case?
- I gues that I did, but I don't remember...O.o
7. Tell me about you day! What have you done this wonderful day? ;D
- I have just woke up and come to computer~x3
8. Is there any (perhaps weird?) question/comment you get a lot?
- Not really~ But that would be weird~x3
9. What is the luckiest memory you have?
- I'm happy that I have many lucky memories so it's really hard to chose~^^'
10. Ask yourself a question and then answer it! Choose whatever question you want to be asked! (?) <-- Adding a questionmark makes that a question, right? ;D
- ...Em... What my name, ViikateFretti, means~? Well, it means ScytheFerret~x3

My questions~

1. Where your DA name comes~?
2. What's your favorite cosplay~?
3. What plans you have for future~?
4. How your holidays went~?
5. Do you like to play games~? What's your favorite game~?
6. Do you like photoshoot~? Why or why not~?
7. What's your favorite anime/manga and why~?
8. Em... Do you like to be ninja~?x3
9. Have you done something special in this or last year~? What~?
10. Can you do better questions that I~?

People I tag;
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Sorry, only Finnish...~

Eli siis mietittiin tässä :icontutti-chan:n ja Sissin kanssa Halloween miittiä ensi viikonlopulle~ Tarkemmin sanottuna ajattelimme 3.11, joka on siis lauantai~ Eli olisiko kukaan kiinnostunut tulemaan~? Tämä tulee vähän myöhään, mutta olisi silti mukavaa, jos saataisiin edes pieni miitti kasaan~ Tarkoituksena olisi siis pitää kivaa yhdessä ja nähdä vanhoja kavereita~ Jos haluaa, voi tulla cossissa, mutta pakko ei ole~ Ihan vapaasti saa siis pukeutua, mutta voisi olla mukavaa, jos se olisi ainakin hieman Halloween tyylinen~ Mutta sekään ei ole pakollista~ Tarkemmista yksityiskohdista emme ole vielä miettineet, koska keksimme tämänkin perjantaina ja sen jälkeen emme ole sitä suunnitelleet~x3 Mutta Helsingissä tämä miitti olisi tarkoitus pitää~ Luultavammin jossain keskustassa, jotta pääsee välillä sisällekin, koska nyt on tullut niin nopeasti kylmä ja luntakin on satanut jo~ Ehdotuksia saa antaa, jos niitä tulee~ Tarkempia tietoja tulee, kun saamme tietää onko ketään edes tulossa~ Ja jos nyt on kiinnostunut tulemaan, olisi mukava, jos kertoisit oletko tulossa cossissa vai casualina~ ...Toivottavasti tuosta nyt sai selvää~ Sekavaa tekstiä kuten aina minulta tulee~x3 Mutta toivottavasti edes joku olisi tulossa~^^
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1 min read
Eli siis, kuten otsikosta voi jo päätelle, Turkkiin olen menossa~!x3 Siellä viivyn viikon, eli viikkoon minuun ei saa yhteyttä~ ...Tulee sitten varmaan ihanasti viestejä deviin, kun katson viikon kuluttua~x3 Mutta on aivan ihanaa päästä lomalle~! ...Vaikka läksyjä on tullut ihan helvetisti...-.-'  Pitää opetella ties kuinka monta asiaa yhden viikonlopun aikana, lukien samalla kahteen kokeeseen cossia tehden... Pakko on kuitenkin yrittää selvitä~! Eiköhän se siitä, nyt on tosin jo yhdet läksyt *köhpuoliksiköh* tehty~^^ Ja loppu tusina odottaa... Mutta loma korvaa sen kaiken! ...Anteeksi, kun nyt vain puhun/kirjoitan joutavia, mikä ei kiinnosta ketään... Mutta jos kukaan on Kikuun tulossa, sinne on tarkoitus tulla pyörimään~ Mutta nyt jätän teidät rauhaan, eli se on heippa viikoksi~!
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1 - Sun pitää kirjata nämä säännöt.
2 - Jokaisen henkilön pitää kirjata 10 asiaa itestänsä journaansa.
3 - Vastaa taggaajan kysymyksiin ja luo sitten 10 omaa kysymystä ihmisille vastailtavaksi.
4 - Sun täytyy tagata 10 ihmistä ja kirjata heidän iconinsa journaasi.
5 - Mene heiän sivuillensa kertomaan että ovat tulleet tagatuiksi.
7 - Eikä mitään semmosta että "Olet tagattu jos luet tämän", vaan pitää ihan tagata ne tietyt henkilöt.


1.mitä teet tällä hetkellä?
Dataan koneella, kuuntelen musiikkia ja venaan koulun alkua
2. lempi hahmosi? (elokuva,anime/manga,peli)
Eii mahdu tähän! Liian monia...
3. jos saisit ilmatteeksi  lemmikin minkä haluaisit?
4. onks tylsää?
Ehkä hieman...
5. mitä luet tällä hetkellä?
Hissaa... Koe tänään...
6. lempi valtiosi?
Taas liia monta....
7. kuunteletko musiikkia?
8. ...mitä biisiä?
The tailor shop on enbizaka
9. onks kivaa :''''D ?
10. missä oot nyt?
Olohuoneen sohvalla

Anteeksi olen laiska, joten ketään en taggaa... Ja väsynyt...
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Tagged again~ by ViikateFretti, journal

Tag~ by ViikateFretti, journal

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